Terms and conditions
Thank you for your visit!
Using this site, visiting or purchasing products, implies acceptance of these terms and conditions. In order to use the site in the best conditions, we recommend that you read the terms and conditions carefully. Noodle Pack reserves the right to make changes to these provisions without prior notice to users. Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions of use of the site, accessing the page “Terms and Conditions” at any time.
Preliminary details
The prices are expressed in RON, and the VAT is included in the displayed price. The final price paid by the customer consists of the purchase price of the product, plus the shipping cost. Noodle Pack does not charge any additional fees. All products will be delivered within the available stock.
The brand / type of products presented on the site and in the offers are for guidance only. Noodle Pack may change the manufacturer, brand, and type of certain products if they are not available. Noodle Pack guarantees 100% quality and range of new products in case they are not identical as manufacturer / brand with those in the offer. The photos of the products are for presentation and have no contractual value.
Noodle Pack is a registered trademark of SC Noodle Pack SRL, having its registered office in Cluj-Napoca, Pavel Rosca Street, no. 1, having serial number in the Trade Register J12 / 3218 / 11.11.2014, unique fiscal registration code 33788933.
The entire contents of the Noodle Pack are protected by copyright and intellectual and industrial property laws. The use without the written consent of any elements belonging to the Noodle Pack site is punished according to the laws in force. All exhibits used to represent the product are presentation images. The content of this website (text, graphics, logo, icons, images) are the property of SC Noodle Pack SRL and fall under the copyright provided by Romanian law. The copyright for the logos and slogans of our partners and collaborators belongs to them, and they are reproduced with their consent.
To report any issues related to intellectual property rights please email us at office@noodlepack.ro
If you use the site, it is assumed that you agree that SC Noodle Pack SRL may record and store information about you, obtained with your prior consent, and may use it in order to carry out in optimal conditions our collaboration and promotion of services. and products offered by SC Noodle Pack SRL.
This information, but not your identity data (name, physical and e-mail address, telephone number), may be made available to third parties in order to identify solutions to improve the services offered by SC Noodle Pack SRL (statistical studies, market studies, etc.). Exceptions are cases where the disclosure of your identity is necessary in order to comply with and enforce the law.
Use of personal information
The information about you may be used by SC Noodle Pack SRL only for the purpose of marketing the products and services offered, for example for:
- processing your orders or requests;
- offers of services and products;
- billing
- resolving your requests, questions or complaints;
- conducting market and product studies and marketing the products, the services of SC Noodle Pack SRL and the services of its suppliers and partners;
- your registration in order to grant discounts, bonuses, credits, etc.
The products presented on the site are by way of example, and certain features may differ from the pictures (color, appearance). The Noodle Pack team tries to present the products as detailed and correct as possible and to respect the accuracy of the information. However, Noodle Pack does not warrant that the description of the products and services as well as the content of this website is error-free, complete and current. Noodle Pack cannot assume responsibility for all products displayed in stock.
Information, Communications
Those who visit the Noodle Pack site may make comments and any other communications on the contact and / or order forms, or on the e-mail address sugestii@noodlepack.ro as long as their content is not illegal, obscene, threatening or defamatory.
If information, materials, documents are sent to us, by any possible method including e-mail, mail, online forms, it will be considered that the user confers to SC Noodle Pack SRL the unlimited, free, irrevocable right to use, reproduce , modify, adapt, distribute and present this information by any means.
Any attempt to access another user’s personal data or to alter / modify the content of Noodle Pack, to affect the server running the site will be considered an attempted fraud, SC Noodle Pack SRL reserving the right to set in motion the criminal complaint against those who tried the facts described above.
Fraud is also the placing of an order with a false address or false identification data. In this case, the competent bodies will be notified to solve the case.
Discount application policy
- The discounts apply exclusively based on a document agreed between Noodle Pack and partner companies by agreement or contract.
- The discounts also apply to the campaigns carried out by Noodle Pack in its locations, if the client proves a document (discount voucher, gift card), on which the terms and conditions of the promotion are specified.
- The discount only applies if requested before the payment note is issued.
- Discounts apply only if requested at the time of order, based on a discount code or other promotions, which are specified before each campaign. The code based on which the discount is made must be communicated by telephone by the customer or entered in the platforms through which the order is placed (website, application), in the section dedicated to discount codes or in the comments field. No discount is applied retroactively or after the issuance of the tax receipt.
SC Noodle Pack SRL, owner of Noodle Pack will do its best to resolve all disputes regarding any type of dispute between the parties amicably by their representatives. If the settlement of disputes is not possible amicably, the settlement of disputes will be the responsibility of the competent court in Romania, the city of Cluj Napoca.
Final dispositions
If one of the above clauses is found to be void or invalid, regardless of the cause, it will not affect the validity of the other clauses. Once the order is launched, the customer accepts without objection the conditions and terms of use, their value being the same as a valid contract.